All Four Seasons you can find our site active, and as of spring you can find someone out doing something everyday. Months before (and after) the Praxis Project takes place (the first full weekend in June), we form a group of permaculture enthusiasts, professional trades people, and committed volunteers to build our structures safely, and plant seeds smartly all over the Ditch Rich Site.
Luscious forest paths, water gardens, perma-walkways, and other regenerative spaces are created offering the possibility to witness the marvels of nature and its breath-taking beauty (especially in spring). During the Praxis Project, the gardens, regenerating beaver meadow, and forest are special places to reconnect with nature's grand design. You will find over many species of plants, insects & animals all working together.
Eat the organic abundance remembering to tread lightly between the living creatures, insects and plants alike.
Luscious forest paths, water gardens, perma-walkways, and other regenerative spaces are created offering the possibility to witness the marvels of nature and its breath-taking beauty (especially in spring). During the Praxis Project, the gardens, regenerating beaver meadow, and forest are special places to reconnect with nature's grand design. You will find over many species of plants, insects & animals all working together.
Eat the organic abundance remembering to tread lightly between the living creatures, insects and plants alike.