This is a community run gathering. Those who attend make it happen, and make it amazing. Each and every member collaborates with a small contribution, which makes this massive opportunity unfold. Many hands make light work! That's why we ask that everyone help with offering a small amount (1 hour) of your gathering time to a membershift. Upon arrival at the portal you'll be greeted, and sign yourself up for a scheduled shift. Please attend this shift! Your participation makes this gathering happen.
This is a community run gathering. Those who attend make it happen, and make it amazing. Each and every member collaborates with a small contribution, which makes this massive opportunity unfold. Many hands make light work! That's why we ask that everyone help with offering a small amount (1 hour) of your gathering time to a membershift. Upon arrival at the portal you'll be greeted, and sign yourself up for a scheduled shift. Please attend this shift! Your participation makes this gathering happen.
When you sign up for a membership, you agree to:
Respect the land Respect yourself
Respect each other Respect local laws/customs
Every Member is expected to conduct them selves with honor, respect, compassion and in a responsible manner while at the gathering. We are here to have fun, but not at the expense of someone elses enjoyment. Any kind of violence or abuse (physical, sexual, verbal or emotional) will not be tolerated, and members will be asked to leave if their actions are deemed inappropriate by the gathering organizers.
When you sign up for a membership, you agree to:
Respect the land Respect yourself
Respect each other Respect local laws/customs
Every Member is expected to conduct them selves with honor, respect, compassion and in a responsible manner while at the gathering. We are here to have fun, but not at the expense of someone elses enjoyment. Any kind of violence or abuse (physical, sexual, verbal or emotional) will not be tolerated, and members will be asked to leave if their actions are deemed inappropriate by the gathering organizers.
Leave No Trace
As we know, the Praxis Project is a LEAVE NO TRACE event where members are expected to pack out what they pack in. After the gathering ends, we do not have a dedicated crew to scour the entire forest, beaver meadow and field to clean up all kinds of Matter Out Of Place (MOOP) items that people brought with them but neglected to bring back home. Please clean up after yourself and your friends. Please carry out what you and your friends carry in... including all cans, bottles, packaging and garbage :D
As we know, the Praxis Project is a LEAVE NO TRACE event where members are expected to pack out what they pack in. After the gathering ends, we do not have a dedicated crew to scour the entire forest, beaver meadow and field to clean up all kinds of Matter Out Of Place (MOOP) items that people brought with them but neglected to bring back home. Please clean up after yourself and your friends. Please carry out what you and your friends carry in... including all cans, bottles, packaging and garbage :D
Firework & Fire Policy
They are fun, but for our safety and our neighbors consideration, we must enforce a no fireworks policy! Also, no personal campfires other than at designated fire areas. Please always be aware of fire safety when playing with fire-toys and feel empowered to tell someone their renegade fire is not permitted - they might not know.
They are fun, but for our safety and our neighbors consideration, we must enforce a no fireworks policy! Also, no personal campfires other than at designated fire areas. Please always be aware of fire safety when playing with fire-toys and feel empowered to tell someone their renegade fire is not permitted - they might not know.
No Pets / Animals
We regret to inform you that we will be enforcing a strict no tolerance to bringing cats and dogs to the land. If you bring a dog or cat or try to sneak one in you will get turned away at the portal.
We regret to inform you that we will be enforcing a strict no tolerance to bringing cats and dogs to the land. If you bring a dog or cat or try to sneak one in you will get turned away at the portal.
Fire and Wood
We know how valuable it is to stay warm, so we invested time and money into wood these last few years. We have two community firepits for warmth and sharing, than there are four well placed burn barrels for warmth placed on the edge of the dancefloor, paths and workshop area, as well as 1 propane stove (dedicated to hot water). Firewood needs to be used responsibly, so we have two grandmother firekeepers that will want help carrying wood to their fires. please help them. Please be frugal as the hardwood firewood we are all familiar with is a finite resource. Please refrain from using forest deadfall and leave all dead trees to nurture the future forest soil.
We know how valuable it is to stay warm, so we invested time and money into wood these last few years. We have two community firepits for warmth and sharing, than there are four well placed burn barrels for warmth placed on the edge of the dancefloor, paths and workshop area, as well as 1 propane stove (dedicated to hot water). Firewood needs to be used responsibly, so we have two grandmother firekeepers that will want help carrying wood to their fires. please help them. Please be frugal as the hardwood firewood we are all familiar with is a finite resource. Please refrain from using forest deadfall and leave all dead trees to nurture the future forest soil.
Our drummers keep our rhythms and enhance our experience of the Gathering. Drummers play our bodies, drummers keep the dance around the fires. We do ask all the drummers to be mindful of sound during the weekend. Please drumming during workshops in evening or morning.
Our drummers keep our rhythms and enhance our experience of the Gathering. Drummers play our bodies, drummers keep the dance around the fires. We do ask all the drummers to be mindful of sound during the weekend. Please drumming during workshops in evening or morning.
Stream Water & Drinking Water
We have developed an area to hang out around the stream, in and around a former beaver dam, complete with path, gangplanks and bridges. This water is from skiddaddle ridge the surrounding watershed, which includes forestry and animal agriculture. We do not recommend drinking the stream water, though we have enjoyed cooling off in this stream for over a decade now, without ever getting sick from it, or seeing a build up of algae. Drinking water now comes from the praxis site itself, via a pump/well that was dug in 2020, and we still collect water from the well at the top of the field. Bring a bottle or two, its great water ;)
We have developed an area to hang out around the stream, in and around a former beaver dam, complete with path, gangplanks and bridges. This water is from skiddaddle ridge the surrounding watershed, which includes forestry and animal agriculture. We do not recommend drinking the stream water, though we have enjoyed cooling off in this stream for over a decade now, without ever getting sick from it, or seeing a build up of algae. Drinking water now comes from the praxis site itself, via a pump/well that was dug in 2020, and we still collect water from the well at the top of the field. Bring a bottle or two, its great water ;)