These are membership-based, collectively organized, non-profit gatherings on private land.
Membership means belonging- we are in this together. We do not collect extra money during events. Most importantly, our membership platform supports our gatherings being affordable by sharing some of the workload amongst all participants, while increasing camaraderie and fostering moments to build your connections. Attendees will be asked to sign up for a "volunteer member-shift" in one of the daily operations necessary for the gathering to actively live up to our Leave No Trace policy.
All our events are membership-based private events, and all people showing up without an RSVP will be turned away. Remember our locations are practicing a leave-no-trace event where we do not put out garbage cans or recycling bins, and expect you to return home with what you bring to the site. This way you help minimize our impact on the land. We have developed most of our site to mitigate the foot traffic impact by placing biomass (woodchips/mulch) on pathways, camping sites, our regenerative dancefloor and our dining areas, and are thus nearly flood free all year round. This helps us ensure we follow the laws, and have enough food for all....
By becoming a member, you make a pledge to come as you are, ready to participate.
There are NO VISITOR DAY RATES available. We can sell out these events.
Membership means belonging- we are in this together. We do not collect extra money during events. Most importantly, our membership platform supports our gatherings being affordable by sharing some of the workload amongst all participants, while increasing camaraderie and fostering moments to build your connections. Attendees will be asked to sign up for a "volunteer member-shift" in one of the daily operations necessary for the gathering to actively live up to our Leave No Trace policy.
All our events are membership-based private events, and all people showing up without an RSVP will be turned away. Remember our locations are practicing a leave-no-trace event where we do not put out garbage cans or recycling bins, and expect you to return home with what you bring to the site. This way you help minimize our impact on the land. We have developed most of our site to mitigate the foot traffic impact by placing biomass (woodchips/mulch) on pathways, camping sites, our regenerative dancefloor and our dining areas, and are thus nearly flood free all year round. This helps us ensure we follow the laws, and have enough food for all....
By becoming a member, you make a pledge to come as you are, ready to participate.
There are NO VISITOR DAY RATES available. We can sell out these events.
If you wish to attend, we encourage you to become a member in advance.
This helps us ensure we have enough food for all.... there are visitor day rates available as well.
DAY RATES includes: 3 meals, workshops that day, camping and music/dancing that same night; expected to leave by noon the next day.
This helps us ensure we have enough food for all.... there are visitor day rates available as well.
DAY RATES includes: 3 meals, workshops that day, camping and music/dancing that same night; expected to leave by noon the next day.
Regular Membership fees
- adult (over 18) $30
- Youth (under 18) $20
- kids (under 7) $10
FYI -- Some workshop have limited space so there is a sign up at the gate for those lessons.
FYI - Members are always encouraged to attend as many workshops and volunteer shifts as they like, but it is very important that you attend the shifts that you do commit to (upon arrival) to ensure the smooth operation of the community. AND - the workshops are voluntary, feel free to spend your days as you choose