Alex Murray
Driven organizer & promotor. Born in '81 this NB born beatboxing farmer has been a practicing permaculture enthusiast and identified food activist for nearly 10 years. Currently settled in Knowlesville to help establish the budding South Knowlesville Community Coop, Alex has started Ditch Rich Nurseries in response to the growing need for perennial fruit/berry producing plants in his broader community.
Beatboxer, Hip Hop Artist & Slam Poet (Blank Space), graphic designer & print maker, single papa of amazing 4 year old, facilitator of a diversity of workshops & Caregiver. Cofounder of independent distribution association - NMA (National Microphone Association; 05-12), Cofounder & former collective member of the Victoria Anarchist Book fair (BC; 07-11), Former tour booking agent (05-12).
Beatboxer, Hip Hop Artist & Slam Poet (Blank Space), graphic designer & print maker, single papa of amazing 4 year old, facilitator of a diversity of workshops & Caregiver. Cofounder of independent distribution association - NMA (National Microphone Association; 05-12), Cofounder & former collective member of the Victoria Anarchist Book fair (BC; 07-11), Former tour booking agent (05-12).
Jodi Koberinski
"Jodi Koberinski, the Oak Fellow in 2015, is known as an unflagging source of innovation, an activist who tirelessly helps others and furthers the cause of food sovereignty. She is a global leader on this issue and is recognized for her vital work transforming—not just reforming—agriculture to provide sustainable, safe, and secure food systems around the world" - The Oak Institute for Human Rights. Currently, Jodi Koberinski is an advocate and activist with the Seed Freedom Campaign and volunteers for Regeneration International. She is completing research at University of Waterloo on pulses with Dr. Steffanie Scott and mentored by Dr. Vandana Shiva.
Kaia Bartok
Transplanted from small city to even smaller village in rural forest, Kaia is only just beginning to appreciate the distinct four seasons Canada has to offer. With her 10-yr old Montessori / Waldorf-Enki educated son as head consultant, she is building a solar-powered, triple earthbag dome to live in and a strawbale timber frame building to move & play in on a hectare of land leased from the South Knowlesville Neighborhood Coop. "We're digging the social experiment and trying to learn to be successful in a small community -dig pun intended. My son has grown attached to several kids in the neighborhood and especially enjoys the solar-powered, wood-heated, Waldorf-inspired forest school."
Aside from being a blast, Praxis is an opportunity to learn permaculture principles to incorporate into the initial design of her hectare. "It's like the land is a bare canvas we have the gift of working with." Kaia looks forward to practicing some yoga in the field, dancing in the forest and breaking bread with you this June.
Yoga; trained in the Sivananda lineage:
Earthbag dome building wkshp:
Aside from being a blast, Praxis is an opportunity to learn permaculture principles to incorporate into the initial design of her hectare. "It's like the land is a bare canvas we have the gift of working with." Kaia looks forward to practicing some yoga in the field, dancing in the forest and breaking bread with you this June.
Yoga; trained in the Sivananda lineage:
Earthbag dome building wkshp: